
Goodbye Yammer, Hello Viva Engage

After operating the Yammer platform and brand for more than a decade, Microsoft is saying goodbye to the Yammer brand and transitioning over to the Microsoft Viva Engage brand. The existing Yammer apps and services will remain, but starting in March will begin to be branded as Viva Engage. The Viva Engage platform will then gain new features, accessible directly via Microsoft Teams, like the Leadership Corner, Ask Me Anything (AMA) events, Answers (which also builds on Viva Topics), and more. Details on the transition from Yammer to Viva Engage can be found here. 

Why This Matters

  • Yammer is a well-known and established brand that most Microsoft 365 customers will be aware of and likely using to some degree. 
  • Microsoft’s major emphasis, right now, is around the Employee Experience Platform idea and using the Viva brand. Viva Engage is one of many tools in the Viva suite. 
  • To get the best experience with features like the new Answers tool in Viva Engage, customers will need to also have Viva Topics deployed. Viva Topics is optimized for SharePoint Online but can get data from other systems with connectors. This often requires a bit of consulting work for the best experience.