Desktop Virtualization

Provide controlled, secure access to your data through Azure Virtual Desktop, a customizable Windows 10 Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solution. Host your apps and data in the cloud, and make them easily available to your employees.

This scalable, highly secure system is built on platforms that are PCI, HIPAA, and SOC2 compliant. You’ll also be getting a cost-effective solution that comes with unlimited support.

Planning for Your Current and Future Needs


First, we’ll talk with your management and/or IT department to find out what your company needs in a DaaS.


Then, we’ll create the workspaces you need, often with similar or better performance than you have now.


Enjoy the benefits of an easier to manage desktop that’s also better protected against data loss.

Data at Work


Savings in data usage


Day journey from concept to cloud


Requests processed each month

See how we can save you an average of 20% by working with us.

Our Partners in the Cloud

Ready to Get Started?

Accelerated projects and improved outcomes are just a few clicks away. Serverless Solutions is waiting to develop a plan just for you.